mercredi 30 octobre 2013

Pizza Magdalena

Sounds simple, but requires a lot of patience from both of you, especially if one is going to take photos. Recommended only to well-established couples.

Delegate one of you to your favorite groceries in order to purchase:

  • 2 cups of flour (the one from the previous post should be sufficient),
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil,
  • 1 tablespoon of yeast,
  • 1 teaspoon of powder sugar,
  • 1 teaspoon of salt.

  • 2 spoons of olive oil,
  • 8 garlic cloves,
  • 2 tomatos,
  • 200g of concentrated (but this liquidy one not the real concentrate) tomatos,
  • Basil, oregano, pepper.

All you ever dreamt of. We dreamt of:
  • meat (ham),
  • onions,
  • red pepper,
  • dried tomatos,
  • mushrooms,
  • cheese.
  • (half of us also dreamt of olives but the other half forgot to buy them).
Preheat your oven to 250°C and follow the photos.

Mix the dough stuff all together.
Add a glass of water. Then knead it by hand adding water or flour or something if necessary.
Dough should look and feel as perfect as the one below.
Cut your cute veggies on the cutting board.
(tomatoes are missing on the photo but they are there and they are playing an important role!)
Put this stuff aside because you are about to produce the sauce.
Pour 2 spoons of olive oil into a pan on low fire (or whatever you call 3/9 in english).
After a minute add sliced garlic.
Put your tomatoes, concentrated sauce and some tomato concentrate or katchup.
Just let your taste lead your body.
Stir, add basil, oregano, stir again, increase the fire.
Wait 10 minutes staring and stirring from time to time
Run to the shop because you forgot to buy baking paper.
Eventually, try your luck greasing the tray.

Then argue with Magda about necessity of rolling out the dough:
M: "You don't roll out the dough! Check on youtube if you don't believe me."
We are almost there, just put the sauce on your dough. Leave some sauce for later.
Grate the cheese
Put the meat and some healthy stuff on
"Put a lot of cheese"
"It will not bake if there is too much cheese"
"Who cares?"
"I care"
"Put it on my half"
Spray some olive oil when Magda isn't looking.
Then do your duty. Don't put your hands too far. Seriously. 
You have ten minutes. Wash your hands, etc.

Spray more olive oil and use the rest of your sauces.

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