mardi 5 novembre 2013

Turkey Chanterelle

In this marvelous golden sauce a turkey is hidden. Smashed potatoes is an excellent side dish. Everything covered with a bunch of fresh parsley because Magda loves it.
Yes, you can call it a masterpiece. However, honestly speaking, this is also a product of our laziness. In this case we just followed another fantastic recipe.

You need to provide to Magda:
  • small pieces of turkey 0.5 kg,
  • some salt and pepper,
  • some butter for frying.
'Sauce the masterpiece' secret ingredients
  • 300 g chanterelle (this yellow mushroom straight from your local forest),
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar,
  • 4 tablespoon of white wine with Mothrer Mary on the label (buying the whole bottle have other advantages though),
  • 150 ml bulion (home-made by Knorr),
  • 200 ml sour cream 30%,
  • plenty of parsley because Magda loves it. 
Smashed potatoes
  • 5 medium potatoes to be smashed,
  • 50 ml sour cream 30%,
Side dishes
  • Westmalle dubbel.
    After coming back from the shop, sit and cry recalling the price of mushrooms. Ponder that on a local market in Poland you would pay 5-6 times less for them. That's because we have forests in Poland and cheap labour, but still.

    After crying, preheat your oven to 190°C.

    If you put the stuff you bought in one place it should resemble following photos
    Ask Magda to wash the mushrooms. Wait around 15 minutes till she finishes.
    Ask "Why are you washing them one by one?" and regret that you ever asked. 

    "Let me take the photo, those color match so well!". Let her.
    Put butter on the pan on medium fire and wait till the moment when putting meat on that would cause a hiss. Put the meat then.
    Add some pepper and salt and wait till it's lightly yellowish.
    Take it out, place in a heat-resistant bowl. Take out this liquidy leftovers since you will put them in your sauce (the magic is right there). Bake for 15 minutes.
    Start preparing the masterpiece by putting some butter again and frying mushrooms for several minutes.
    Take out the mushrooms. To the same pan put your chicken liquid, wine and vinegar. Don't care about the amounts given above - let your soul lead your brain.
    At some point, your baking chicken will be ready and it will give more liquid. Bring it on!
    Wait till this mixture significantly reduces it's volume (around 8 minutes 36 seconds) and put your mushrooms.
    Add sour cream and wait till the sauce gets denser. Add parsley, stir and stare.
    Prepare smushed potatoes. Peel them and cut into small cubes first!
    Then cook them till they get cooked (soft). Then remove water and put them on fire without water (!). Shake them and put on fire again (repeat photos 2 and 3 below several times).
    Take a professional smashing device and start smashing. Add sour cream 50ml and smash further.
    Before serving all the stuff put your turkey in the sauce pan for a minute or so.
    Take it all out, pour your favorite beer into your favorite glass and enjoy!

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